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3215 Overland Ave
90034 Los Angeles CA

Frequently Asked Questions

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Does DashlyPro have a free trial to test the software?

A: Yes, we offer a free trial for all new users who want to test our software and see how it works for their business. Our free trial period lasts for 14 days, during which you can explore all the features and functionalities of our software without any commitment.

How many users can I invite to my Dashly account?

A: You can invite up to three staff users to your Dashly account. A staff user is a team member who will have access to your Dashly account and can help you manage your CRM data and features. To invite staff users to your account, simply go to the "Users" section of your account settings, and click on "Invite User." Enter their email address and choose their access level, and they'll receive an invitation to join your account.

Do you have an Android or iOS app for DashlyPro?

A: Yes, we have a free mobile app available for both Android and iOS devices. Our app is designed to provide you with easy access to your CRM data and features on the go.

How can I cancel my DashlyPro account?

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